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Merry Mix (Christmas treats part 1)

My friend Melody, who also gave me the chicken fra diavolo recipe gave merry mix to me as a Christmas treat one year and I couldn't stop eating it.  It was delicious.  Sweet, a little salty, and a perfect combination of textures.  I had to have the recipe.  Now that I do, I make it each year to give away as one of my treats and leave plenty to devour at home.

This makes a TON so make sure you have people to share it with.

Merry Mix
2 qts. rice chex
2 qts. corn chex
2 qts. crispix cereal or wheat chex
1 can mixed nuts
1 bag small stick pretzels

Combine in large bowl or large brown paper bag (I mean large!) I usually use about 3 boxes of cereal and put it all into a brown paper bag.  When I do, I usually pour a portion of the karo mixture on top, then mix and do this again and again until it is all combined.  Sometimes it does not coat the entire thing, so I will put some in a large bowl and pour the karo mixture on top.  When I made it this time, I ended up making another batch of the karo mixture to coat it better.

In a large saucepan (medium boils over) combine:
 2 2/3 c sugar
1 cup Karo syrup
2 c butter

Bring to a boil and cook to 240 on a candy thermometer until softball stage.  Pour over dry mix
1 batch is enough for 13 large cereal bowls full.

Make sure to put this into smaller servings or packages when it is still soft.  Once it is hardened it's hard to separate into smaller portions.

 NOTE: I like to add Christmas M&M's and this year, the kids wanted to add green and red sprinkles.  I liked it.  It was fun and festive.

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