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Who Owns D&D?

There's been some chatter the last couple of days about how what WotC is doing has no relevance to the type of games that we are playing; that maybe it's time to find a new name for the games we play and leave Wizards to their brand name.

Except that Wizards of the Coast doesn't own D&D.  I do.  So do you, and so does everyone who has spent their lives playing the game and keeping it alive.  I figure that makes D&D our moral property, which to my mind trumps any claim to "intellectual property" made by a bunch of Hasbro executives who threw some greenbacks at a game they've never played and know nothing about.

I've was playing D&D long before Wizards of the Coast was a twinkle in anyone's eye, and I reckon I'll still be playing it long after Hasbro has lost what little interest they ever had in it.  That makes D&D mine, and I'm not giving it up to anyone; they can have it when they pry my dice and character sheets out of my cold dead fingers.

The idea of D&D transcends a mere brand name, it even transcends a particular set of rules.  D&D is a philosophy of play that no corporation can claim ownership of.  When my players want to know if there is a game on this weekend, they don't ask "hey, are we playing S&W this weekend?"  They ask, "are we playing D&D?"  They'd probably ask that regardless of the rule system I was actually using.  I could be running a campaign using GURPS and they'd still ask if we were playing D&D because that's my style of play - and I'm sticking with it.

Hasbro and WotC have long since given up any moral claim to D&D, what they are producing these days has nothing to do with the game created by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.  All they've got is legal use of a brand name that has no meaning anymore.  They could make a My Little Pony roleplaying game and call it Dungeons and Dragons if they want, but that doesn't make it so.  So they, and their followers, can play The Dungeons and Dragons Brand Roleplaying Game.  Me?  I'm playing D&D.

"Get your damn hands off my game, pilgrim"

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