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My first White Dwarf and a Chaos Renegade Terminator Centaur

This post is kind of a follow on from my previous one about hobby motivation.

A while back I found myself tired of all the projects I was working on at the time. I was still very much wanting to do something hobby related, just not on anything I already had on the go.

So I decided to treat myself to another quick fun hobby project while my creative drive was buzzing.

I found myself flipping through art books and old magazines for a bit of inspiration, when I happened upon my very first issue of White Dwarf magazine.

Issue 123, March 1990. I do love this issue still, it really was one of the things that pulled me deeper and interested in the miniatures hobby after the release of Heroquest the preceding year. I recognised the Games Workshop logo on the magazine when I was in the newsagents at the bus station. My Grandfather bought me it to keep me occupied during the journey and long wait times.

I was spellbound, Orcs and Goblins, Space Marines, Titan Legions, Waaagh the Orks! This issue probably has a lot to do with my big love of Greenskins. And more importantly there were some absolutely fantastic full colour pages of peoples miniatures that I just couldn't stop poring over.

I may have to write another article that is a complete review of this issue and the wonderful colour pages that enthralled so very much as a child and stayed with me.

but probably most significant to this post, it was the first time I'd ever encountered a word that really stuck with me... Conversion.

This post is regarding specifically the one in the image above. A Chaos Terminator Centaur conversion by Nick Reynolds. I'd always loved it and over the years I'd always wanted to make my own. But for one reason or another I never had.

This was perfect for a quick little project, to finally recreate my own version of a much loved conversion from my youth. Not an exact copy, but something inspired by the concept.

And here's what I managed to do:

When all said and done I really enjoyed this quick project and he lives in my cabinet at the moment. I've not really had any ideas about using him in game.

I'm really happy with how the textures on the armour turned out, the battered leather and the look and colour of the base. I wasn't completely happy with how the sword turned out, but hey. It's all the process. I made this as a bit of fun and overall it came out pretty much how I imagined it, so I'm still happy with the final result.

Until next time, take care.

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