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PSN Credit Card Data Was Encrypted

Some good news surfaced in the wake of all this chaos concerning PlayStation Network. We've learned that some services could be available next week and we could all return to our online multiplayer gaming and finally get on to our Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Triple Points Weekend we missed out on during Easter Break. That is if online multiplayer is made available as one of the services next week.

The news that surfaced, according to Gamespot.com, PSN credit card data was encrypted and there was no evidence that was taken Sony have stated as well as the following:
"All of the data was protected, and access was restricted both physically and through the perimeter and security of the network. The entire credit card table was encrypted and we have no evidence that credit card data was taken. The personal data table, which is a separate data set, was not encrypted, but was, of course, behind a very sophisticated security system that was breached in a malicious attack."
Gamespot had stated as well that:
"The company said that the reason it has warned customers that their credit card data may have been stolen was out of an "abundance of caution." The company also pointed out that users' credit card security codes--often called CVC or CSC numbers--were never stored on the PSN or Sony's Qriocity media service, which was also compromised in the attack. These three-digit codes are usually necessary to make an online transaction."
The CVC code is the three digit code located on the back of a credit or debit card that most online sites require in order to actually use the card. At jobs I've worked at where you take a card and run it through, it would require you to punch in the code on the back of the card, so there are companies that require that three digit code on the back as an extra precaution.

As more news unfolds and as we finally get back to our online gaming, we'll keep you posted. Its also worth noting that in times of difficulty, the perpetrator mostly gets off on striking fear into the community. If they find they can't get to others, strike fear or paranoia, like a school yard bully, they get bored, grow tired and move on. Why do you think your parents told you growing up to "just ignore them and eventually they'll get tired of it and go away and go pick on someone else that will fall subject to their torture."

For all things PlayStation Network, for all things PlayStation and for all things gaming check back as we keep you inside the X-Zone! Honestly, we can't wait for this to be done and finally be able to move on and talk about what really matters. Great games!

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